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Five Hours of Listening

Long-Lasting Impact

Tunes that Retune

The Safe and Sound Protocol

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a powerful listening therapy designed to help regulate the nervous system, so you can better connect with yourself, others and the world around you.


What can the SSP help me with?



â–¸  Alleviate symptoms of Depression and Anxiety 
â–¸  Decrease symptoms related to trauma
â–¸  Improve emotional control
â–¸  Improve mood
â–¸  Improve sleep
â–¸  Improve sensory processing
â–¸  Better nervous system regulation
â–¸  Increase resiliency


And so much more!


The Safe and Sound Protocol is the only practical application of Polyvagal Theory.

It is designed to improve sound sensitivities and auditory processing, behavioral state regulation, and social engagement behaviors through specially filtered music that stimulates the vagus nerve.


The nervous system uses tone of voice as one way to determine safety. Different frequencies of sound communicate different information to the nervous system. Low frequencies are associated with sounds of life threat and danger, while high frequencies (like a siren wailing) communicate alert.


The SSP trains the middle ear muscles to tune in to cues of safety signaled by the frequencies of the human voice, which stimulates the social engagement system through the neural network associated with listening. When the tone and prosody of the human voice can be better processed, it can provide signals of safety and calm to the nervous system. Suddenly, cues of safety exist in the voices of friends and family.


Once a sense of security is achieved, emotional resilience and nervous system regulation are possible.


Trauma, chronic stress, and even a history of ear infections can retune the autonomic nervous system toward chronic states of defense (fight, flight, freeze, or collapse). An embodied sense of safety may feel unreachable when stuck in chronic security conditions. You may feel constantly on edge, anxious, easily triggered, on high alert, foggy, frozen, or shut down.

The SSP allows for the repatterning of neural networks and improved regulation of the autonomic nervous system for lasting change.

Ready to find out if you are a candidate?

Concrete Wall

Imagine what it would be like to...

Interrupt Old Patterns


The SSP interrupts chronic states of nervous system defense by stimulating neural networks associated with listening

Feel Safer


The SSP uses algorithmically filtered music focused on the human voice's frequency range that alters how sounds are interpreted.

Connect Better


Guide the nervous system out of a defense state (flight/fight/freeze/collapse) and into a socially engaged state. 


Safe and Sound Protocol

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The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a powerful listening therapy designed to help regulate the nervous system so you can better connect with yourself, others, and the world around you. The SSP is an evidence-based program to help reset your nervous system and return it to safety in the aftermath of trauma or chronic stress.

Find out if you are a candidate for SSP!


Here's how we will do it...


Assessment and Intake

Free assessment to find out if you qualify for the program here


If you are a candidate, you will receive a detailed intake to develop a listening plan specifically tailored to your nervous system needs. â€‹



Live Onboarding Sessions

Learn everything you will need to know to fully participate in the SSP


A live onboarding session is required for each and every participant in order to ensure a smooth delivery process.





In depth video lessons

Education on the entire SSP process​


Each video will give you step by step instructions to make the most of your SSP journey. 

The Playlists

The heart of the protocol


Access to the SSP dashboard and Unyte-iLs app, which includes five hours of listening to the CORE program, as well as unlimited access to the BALANCE and CONNECT playlists, for the duration of your protocol. 

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Community and co-regulation

Fully immerse yourself in the protocol, and interact with others


Access a private forum to stay connected with your SSP cohort. Discover the magic of co-regulation.

You also have access to...

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1:1 Sessions for further nervous system regulation with SSP certified provider, Emily Paulson




Support Meetings


The SSP includes access to a supportive community of women






6 weeks of music you can use to integrate further. 


Ready to begin? 

Headphones Floating

Is this Protocol Effective?


The effectiveness of the SSP has been proven in a wide range of studies, including clinical trials involving children with autism, along with numerous case studies demonstrating effectiveness with emotional regulation, trauma, anxiety, and more. Research has begun on how the SSP can affect the impact of long COVID.


The SSP is designed to work in tandem with other therapeutic approaches and modalities, and results may vary. While some people notice effects immediately, others may take up to eight weeks to experience full benefits.

Read a few case studies HERE

Join Now

Your Certified SSP Provider

I'm Emily, and I'm looking forward to showing you the benefits of the SSP!

I have personally experienced the incredible benefits of the Safe and Sound Protocol, and I'm thrilled to be able to share it with others. As a Certified SSP practitioner, I'm qualified to deliver the Protocol to members of Sober Mom Squad. I only work with women who have been free from mind-altering substances for at least 30 days, and I only deliver the SSP remotely. To make sure that the group protocol is a good fit for you, I'll ask you to complete an in-depth assessment in order to get to know you and your circumstances better. If the group option isn't right for you, don't worry! I can help you find other methods for SSP participation. Please reach out with any questions!


Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to get started?

Find out if you're a candidate

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